Mastopexy augmentation is becoming a well-known procedure in Europe. It is a procedure were both breast uplift and breast enlargement surgery are performed at the same time. Breast uplift or mastopexy mainly toughen the skin of the bust and breast enlargement procedure augments the size of the bust . Both surgeries can now be well executed at the same time.
Mastopexy? Augmentation? or Both?
Mastopexy is a procedure which purposes to toughen the skin of the chest thus lifting it. This is usually performed on women who have adequate chest size but desired a vivacious bust. While breast enlargement, on the other hand, is a procedure performed to boost the size of the breasts. However, this is for women who has not had kids or those that had kids but the nipples are hanging down.
If both of the condition is present (1) feeble bosom size and (2) nipples drooping is observed then the most appropriate treatment would then be Mastopexy Augmentation.
The Procedure
For breast enlargement
(1) You must first deal with the bust size, shape and how full the implant you want. Aurora Clinics will will give more time with you looking at different implants and special bras, having you test it in contrasting wardrobe to distinguish which volume best suits your body frame.
(2) Another thing to consider is the type of cut. Normally, in breast enlargment alone the cut is most likely five centimeters in the fold below the breast while in mastopexy augmentation the incision is longer. Like a normal mastopexy, the incision can be partially circular or crescent in shape on the higher part of the nipple or go around the whole nipple.
However, since we are increasing the breast volume we are also toughening up the skin of the bosom, thus the size of scars are usually shorter in mastopexy augmentation than in mastopexy alone where breast volume is not increased. Therefore, mastopexy augmentation is considerably more complicated than mastopexy or breast enlargement alone, in this procedure the surgeon needs to manage alterations in breast volume and tightness of the breast tissues.
Majority of our patients at Aurora Clinics have a better choice to do the combined treatments due to time constraints. They choose to have mastopexy augmentation which has the benefit of having one operation and one time down time, although in its technical aspects, it's more complicated to get it totally perfect.
The vital things to consider carefully about this procedure (mastopexy augmentation) are shape of the implant, size of the implant,and location of the implant (whether it's placed infront or behind of the muscle) and in mastopexy, the type of mastopexy, scarring, and degree of scarring.
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