Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Benefits of Combining Breast Uplift and Bust Augmentation

The desire to have firmer and bigger breasts can now be instantly achieved through combining breast uplift (also known as mastopexy) with bust augmentation in just one surgery. A lot of women are having issues with small size breasts and nipples that are set so low that it makes their bust droop. Deciding to have a mastopexy augmentation will surely help resolve this kind of breast problem as it will improve the bust’s volume and then tighten its skin, elevating the nipples. This dual surgery is popular nowadays, especially in UK; hence it’s not surprising that many women favor undergoing breast lift and breast enlargement surgery all at once.

During the operation, you will undergo both methods of a mastopexy and bust augmentation. One of the benefits of getting these two surgeries together is that you will not be having long scars on you bust since the skin on your breasts will be tighten as you demand for more volume. This is contrasts to getting a breast uplift alone which usually result to prominent scars.

Although you will benefit from having less obvious scars following your dual surgery, a mastopexy augmentation is not easy to administer than he regular breast uplift since you will require changes in the volume of your bust and at the same time improvement in the tissue constrictions of your breasts.

There are two techniques to choose from if you want to have both surgeries done at once. You can decide to have them administered altogether at the same time which will save you a lot of time but your surgeon may encounter difficulties in perfecting both procedures. Another option is to have the mastopexy first and then the breast enlargement afterwards so your doctor can thoroughly take down the size of you bust; however this method will require extra time to finish. Whichever technique you decide to have, it’s important to discuss your choice with your plastic surgeon so that your breast uplift with bust augmentation surgery will surely give you the best possible result.

Brief introduction on having Breast Uplift Surgical procedure (Mastopexy) combined with Breast Enlargement or Augmentation Surgery.
For more information or should you wish to book a FREE Consultation with our specialist plastic surgeon, please call us on 01844 214362